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Load QR Codes for Storing Data (Mi Band 4)

It would be a life saver feature if we can load QR codes on Mi Band 4 as temporary watch face (like in case of Notify's map navigation) which when turned off, restores default watch face. All we need is a template that perfectly fits in the QR code we upload. Also, it'll be easy if Notify takes care of syncing it with band and restoring default watch face after use (a toggle for that just like Music Mode)


  • @Govind said:
    It would be a life saver feature if we can load QR codes on Mi Band 4 as temporary watch face (like in case of Notify's map navigation) which when turned off, restores default watch face. All we need is a template that perfectly fits in the QR code we upload. Also, it'll be easy if Notify takes care of syncing it with band and restoring default watch face after use (a toggle for that just like Music Mode)

    Possible uses include storing business card QR code, Payment app QR code, Social Media QR code, etc.

  • The upcoming feature for using Tasker to set custom image as watchface and restoring default watchface with swipe action helps to store QR codes.

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