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App is not updating weather

This issue appears in 2 last stable versions of Bip firmware i think. Weather is not updating, i have to run Mi Fit app to get weather updated.


  • There are more reports on Facebook. It's Notify app issue, please devs, fix it.

  • My weather on the BIP is not updating either :(

  • Confirmed, same here: Bip FW :(

  • 6.3.1 fix the weather issue but "current temp" is not showed yet

  • It was broken by the latest firmware, again. Developer is aware of this issue.

  • edited November 2018

    Hi, just bought this app, this issue is fixed? My watch just says that it couldn't get weather info, and I should connect to MI fit

    Edit: never mind, I didn't know I had to activate it.

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