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Saving data

I always have problems with synchronization, it never synchs after first or even second attempt. It says "synch 100%", than " saving data", it tries to save during more than 5 minutes and than it shows "synch failed". Usually I have to press synch button more than 4-5 times. Does anyone else have same problem or know how to solve it?


  • I can verify, the workout manager part is very buggy.

    "Syncing..." works unpredictably. It updates workouts one-by-one, in completely random order, most are not synced at all, most of the times an exact start time must be provided for a good sync, and that is the only way I could sync most of my workouts. However, already synced workouts often become broken afterwards (missing chunks of GPS or heart rate data in the diagrams), and sometimes "ghost" zero length workouts appear as well.

    At least, sync to Strava works well if you manage to properly sync your workout at least once with the Notify and Fitness for Amazfit app.

    I use Amazfit Bip.

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