Notify app permissions
Notify app permissions:
*BLUETOOTH: We need bluetooth permission to connect with your band
BLUETOOTH_ADMIN: We need bluetooth admin permission to allow Notify app connect automatically to your band (early bird)
WAKE_LOCK, SET_ALARM: Allow app run on background without getting killed by phone
RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED: Connect to your band once phone has turned on
INTERNET: Allow Notify app to validate license, check for new updates, calculate data (sleep)
MODIFY_AUDIO_SETTINGS: Notify button custom actions: change phone volume, mute calls, ...
ACCESS_NOTIFICATION_POLICY: Allow Notify app read phone notifications to send them to your band
CAMERA: Notify button custom action
*FOREGROUND_SERVICE: Allow Notify app run on background
READ_CALL_LOG, CALL_PHONE: Allow Notify app send call notifications to your band
READ_CONTACTS: Allow Notify app to display correctly your contact names on band
ANSWER_PHONE_CALLS: Notify button action to mute/reject calls
RECEIVE_SMS: Allow Notify app send new sms notifications to your band
*WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE: Allow Notify app save its data on your phone (download firmwares, save backup, ...)
BODY_SENSORS: Allow Notify app to sync data with Google Fit
ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE: Permission required to check if internet connection is available. Permission required also to be able display ads.
ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION, ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION: Allow Notify app to connect to your band (bluetooth). Fine location is required to track a workout session with gps data correctly.
READ_CALENDAR: Allow Notify app sync your calendar events to your band
RECORD_AUDIO: Allow Notify app to record your Alexa voice commands
SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW: Allow Notify app to start the voice assistance while screen is off/locked
- are mandatory permissions